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California Robbery Investigators Association

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Become a Member


Membership in CRIA is only $20 per year!  You will be notified automatically by email each year when it is time to renew.


  • Membership is open to full-time or retired law enforcement officers
  • Civilian employees of law enforcement agencies
  • Individuals employed in private industry with a connection to robbery investigation
  • Your membership application will be reviewed and approved within 24-48 hours
  • (You MUST be approved to access member services)


Group Registrations: contact us by email at
(If your membership has lapsed please email us at to reactivate)
Online registration and payment are preferred, but there are additional options at the bottom of the page.

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Select membership level

* Mandatory fields
* Membership level

If you prefer to register online and pay by check:

Complete the online membership form process and click the "Invoice me" button upon completion.  Allow a few minutes to process and email your invoice.  Please print the invoice and send it in with a check payable to NCRIA, 1098 Foster City Blvd Suite 106 PMB 803 Foster City, CA 94404, or SCRIA, PO Box 1769, Glendora, CA 91740. Your membership will be activated upon receipt of payment.  Upon activation, you will receive a confirmation email and receipt for payment. 

Registration by "Snail Mail" is also available:

If you prefer to complete and mail a paper registration form, and submit your payment via US Mail, please download and print the Manual Membership Registration form and mail to the appropriate board with your payment.

Please email with any questions or assistance, I will be happy to help.

California Robbery Investigators Association

Contact Us

South Chapter:
SCRIA, PO Box 1769, Glendora, CA 91740

North Chapter:
NCRIA, 1098 Foster City Blvd, Suite 106 PMB 803, Foster City, CA 94404

© California Robbery Investigators Association

Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software