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California Robbery Investigators Association

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Jack Giroud "Mr. Robbery" Award

This award is presented in the name of retired Los Angeles Police Department Detective Sergeant Jack A. Giroud, a founding member of CRIA.  It honors any member whose actions and contributions go above and beyond what is normally expected of an association member. Recipients must be members-in-good-standing who have demonstrated initiative and innovative leadership in working to promote the goals of the organization and have served the association in a position of leadership or performed special tasks that benefit our membership. A winner is selected each year by the Executive Board from candidates nominated by board members. 

The recipient of CRIA's Jack Giroud "Mr. Robbery" Award is honored at the Annual Training Conference each year.

California Robbery Investigators Association

Contact Us

South Chapter:
SCRIA, PO Box 1769, Glendora, CA 91740

North Chapter:
NCRIA, 1098 Foster City Blvd, Suite 106 PMB 803, Foster City, CA 94404

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